Estimated read time 2 min read

“Lost in Translation”: When Communication Breakdowns Lead to Costly Misunderstandings 


Ah, communication. It is the cornerstone of any successful project and the occasional source of some genuinely epic misunderstandings in infrastructure cost estimation. We’ve all been there. [more…]

Estimated read time 2 min read

“Should We Just Flip a Coin?” – The Hilarious (and Slightly Terrifying) World of Infrastructure Cost Estimation

Ah, infrastructure cost estimation. The art of predicting the future, gazing into the crystal ball of budgets and sometimes feeling like you’re just… winging it. We spend [more…]

Estimated read time 2 min read

The “Value Engineering Samba”: Turning Lemons into Lemonade (and Saving Millions on That Bridge) 

Ah, the never-ending quest for value in infrastructure development! Sometimes, the initial budget for a project feels like a stubborn mule, unwilling to budge. That’s [more…]

Estimated read time 2 min read

The “Hope & Hype” Fallacy: Why Infrastructure Projects Get Stuck in Budget Purgatory


Let’s be honest, folks: infrastructure projects and an optimistic budget often go together like peanut butter and something less ideal, like unexpected delays. But why? Why do [more…]